



  • Is your course a live session or is it pre-recorded?

    It’s pre-recorded. You can hop in at any time of the day and work at your own pace, stop the video at any time to practice, and go back and forth.

  • What do I need?

    A browser, a Discord account, and a Midjourney subscription.

  • How is the course structured?

    I record my screen while presenting and talking about each section. Below the video, you will find all the information and prompts.

  • In which language is the course?

    It’s in English, but simple English. I also need to focus on what I’m actually doing on the computer :) But don't worry, you'll see my steps in the video and everything important underneath each video.

  • Do I get a certificate after the course?

    If you finish the entire course, please contact [email protected], and I’ll be happy to send one.

  • Do I get an invoice with taxes on it?

    Yes, after ordering the course, you will automatically receive a proper invoice with taxes.